Environmental services scores 100% in a recent HICMR survey
Mar 02, 2012
The environmental services team at St. Andrew's Ipswich Private Hospital were elated last month when they scored a well deserved 100% on a recent infection control audit. The audit performed by Health Care Infection Control Resources (HICMR) is performed every two years hospital wide with the cleaning team scoring the highest result this year. The audit team assessed the cleaning of the hospital on a number of areas including
"Coz Potter and her team are a credit to St. Andrew's. We know that we have the best cleaning team, but it is wonderful for them to be rewarded with this acknowledgment. Every day they come to work and put in their all to make our hospital the cleanest it can possibly be. This is well deserved achievement for such a dedicated team" CEO Chris Went acknowledged.
For further information please contact
Chris Went CEO