When You Leave
If you are a member of a health fund it is important prior to your admission to check with them regarding the following:
- That your level of health fund cover adequately covers the cost of the procedure and accommodation (e.g. in the case of postnatal patients, is your new born baby covered).
- If an excess is payable for this admission.
- If you have been a member of your health fund for less than 12 months your fund may not accept liability for the costs of this admission if your condition or symptoms existed prior to your joining. If there is any question regarding pre-existing conditions your health fund has the option to obtain details in this regard from your GP or specialist.
Pharmacy and pathology, imaging and x-ray may attract an additional charge. If this is the case, you will receive separate accounts for this.
Please note that medical and allied health practitioners’ fees may be billed separately by the practitioners.
STD phone calls and sundry item charges are payable on discharge.
Leaving the Hospital
When your doctor says that you are well enough to return home, we will ask you to sign a discharge summary before you leave the hospital. This summary may contain information regarding your next visit to see your doctor/surgeon, your medications and how to care for yourself at home e.g. wound care and mobilisation. A copy of this summary will be faxed to your GP.
Discharge time before 10am. We ask that you assist with the accommodation of incoming patients by keeping to these discharge hours.
Please ensure you have your transport home prearranged before you come into hospital.
On Discharge
- Take all your medication home with you;
- Make sure you know how and when to take all your medications;
- Take your x-rays;
- Know when you must see your surgeon post-operatively;
- Know the hospital phone number in case you experience problems at night or at the weekends;
- Know what to expect as you recover;
- Sign a discharge summary and take a copy home with you;
- Be sure you have asked your surgeon about driving and resuming normal activity.